Apotheka Systems recognized as leader of the digital revolution
June 30, 2021 --- Every year Globant is recognizing individuals that stand out and go the extra mail to guarantee their companies stay at the frontline of the digital revolution. They drive change within their organizations, motivating their peers to reinvent themselves, encouraging a culture of innovation, and challenging the status quo.
The award from Dennis Maliani, CEO of with the Globant Disruptors Awards highlights the potential of SVBS1 - Disruptive Tech Portfolio AMC, of which Apotheka Systems is a part. Apotheka offers a solution for privacy-compliant and secure electronic health records, powered by a patented blockchain. A number of hospitals in the U.S. are already enthusiastic customers and Apotheka.
What does it take to be a leader of reinvention, according to Dennis Maliani, CEO of Apotheka? “It is about using the latest technologies in the digital-cognitive fields to transform the organization in every aspect. The digital and the cognitive revolutions are affecting how we connect with our users and our employees. Simultaneously we are looking to boost their consumer experiences and to transform themselves internally”.
In addition to Apotheka, 20+ other disruptive tech startups from around the world are made investable through Digital Waves' SVBS1 - Disruptive Tech Portfolio AMC. All companies in the portfolio use Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, and Blockchain to generate value across a variety of industries, benefit from the Silicon Valley Blockchain Society (SVBS) ecosystem, and increasingly leverage synergies with each other.
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